Homemade Cheese

Fresh, homemade cheese is creamy, flavorful, and surprisingly easy to make. Perfect for adding a personal touch to your dishes or enjoying on its own.


  • 1 gallon whole milk (not ultra-pasteurized)
  • 1/4 cup white vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)


  1. Heat the Milk: Pour the milk into a large pot and heat it over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until it reaches 180°F (82°C). Do not let it boil.
  2. Add the Acid: Mix the vinegar or lemon juice with the water. Once the milk reaches the right temperature, add the vinegar or lemon juice mixture to the pot and stir gently. You should see the milk start to curdle and separate into curds and whey.
  3. Let it Sit: Remove the pot from the heat and let it sit for about 10 minutes to allow the curds to fully form and separate from the whey.
  4. Drain the Curds: Line a colander with cheesecloth or a clean kitchen towel. Carefully pour the curds and whey into the colander to drain. Gather the edges of the cheesecloth and gently squeeze to remove excess whey.
  5. Season (Optional): Transfer the curds to a bowl and sprinkle with salt if desired. Mix gently.
  6. Refrigerate: Transfer the cheese to a container and refrigerate. It can be enjoyed fresh or used in recipes as needed.

Enjoy your homemade cheese as a spread, in salads, or as part of your favorite dishes!

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