Taking the higher education scene in Pakistan to new heights

Taking the higher education scene in Pakistan to new heights

In Pakistan, the number of people going to college is regularly going up. Over the past few years, the number of active students in the country’s more than 200 universities has slowly gone up.

According to the most current numbers from the government, 1.58 million students were accepted into universities in Pakistan during the 2017-2018 school year. These numbers went up to 1.86 million in 2018-2019, and it is thought that there will be 1.9 million students in 2019-2020.

In addition, there is a growing trend among young people to get a higher education, and the level of education in the country is also getting better as a result. In Karachi, the regional city of Sindh, 50 of Pakistan’s 211 recognized universities are teaching students in a wide range of programs. The Institute of Business Management (IoBM) is one of the most well-known institutions that has built its name over time.

When it opened in 1995 as the College of Business Management (CBM), the university offered bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees in business administration.

Today, almost 30 years later, IoBM’s collection has grown to include some of the most advanced learning programs that prepare students not only for jobs in their own country but also for jobs around the world.

More than 14,000 students have finished the university in many different fields. These students have gone on to lead companies, government agencies, and other organizations. Some of these people have even become leaders in international groups.

IoBM has made a name for itself in the education field by giving its students a place where they can explore their full potential. First of all, a student’s financial situation is the last thing they should worry about once they get into college.

IoBM has three types of scholarships: merit-based, need-based, and sports-based. As long as students meet certain CGPA standards, they can keep going to school without worrying about how they or their families will pay for it.

IoBM focuses on how important grants are and how much they can help students who deserve them. IoBM’s financial aid programs are a signature that shows how the school doesn’t let a student’s financial situation get in the way of their chances for success in life.

It’s important to point out that grants are needed so that everyone has a fair chance to make the most of their life.

IoBM’s grant programs lay the groundwork for big changes in schooling and the job market. All of the other things the university does can help students in some way.

IoBM recently took a step toward changing the way schooling works in Pakistan. As the world quickly moves toward technology, more and more industry pros are needed to handle different parts of these changes.

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In response to these changes, BS Technology and MS IoT Systems Management were created to help Pakistan move forward. Since Pakistan is already one of the world’s top producers of ICT services, these educational programs are meant to give students the skills and information they need to build, manage, and grow modern systems both in Pakistan and around the world.

Professionals in growing areas like technology and IoT systems management have a lot of options in the job market. Students at IoBM have a rare chance to sign up for classes that are in high demand, but there are still not enough bright people, especially in Pakistan.

Taking the higher education scene in Pakistan to new heights
Taking the higher education scene in Pakistan to new heights

IoBM is one of a few schools that offer a BS in Technology Management, but it is the only university in the country that offers a degree in IoT Systems Management, which can help students get jobs that pay well and are in demand.

IoBM also takes pride in being a place where students want to create jobs rather than look for them. The Shahjehan S. Karim Incubation Center (SSKIC) at the Institution supports people who want to start their own businesses to come up with and run ideas that will work.

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Entrepreneurs are helped by SSKIC, and both IoBM students and people from outside the school are urged to apply. SSKIC also puts the people in its incubator in touch with teachers and sponsors.

Taking the higher education scene in Pakistan to new heights
Taking the higher education scene in Pakistan to new heights

IoBM thinks that almost 20% of its graduates will be able to create jobs in their communities. Through its degree programs, such as BBA and BS Entrepreneurship, the school helps people change their minds from looking for a job to starting their own businesses that can create jobs and improve Pakistan’s business environment.

So that these goals can be met more fully, IoBM has actual learning programs, staff members with real-world experience who can share their knowledge, and a push for students to finish term projects by getting help and information from experts in the field.

Second, IoBM’s BS Entrepreneurship program gives students the tools and encouragement they need to start their own businesses. The degree is meant to take students through the different steps of being an entrepreneur or an intrapreneur. In the end, they will have a business that is up and running and can be a big part of the local economy.

The goal of the school is to create thought leaders with a creative spirit who can start new businesses both inside and outside of existing businesses.

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But IoBM doesn’t put any limits on its trainees. People who want to work in the business world have the same chances to do so. One way IoBM does this is by keeping and promoting links between education and business by holding workshops and conferences where experts from the industry are asked to speak.

Students learn from their point of view, which adds to what they learn in the classroom and helps them get ready for the tasks of the business world.

Last but not least, IoBM puts a lot of emphasis on practical learning, which means that students are urged to learn by doing. The faculty gives students real-world examples to help them understand the ideas.

Students are also urged to do studies and talks at the end of each term in which they ask industry leaders for advice.

IoBM’s unique Capstone projects let students work with businesses to solve their problems and share their suggestions.

In Pakistan, where the economy is competitive and growing quickly, education is a key factor in both individual and group success.

With top schools like IoBM bringing in high-quality education and evolving changes being made, the country is sure to become a force to be reckoned with on the world stage.

At the same time, giving every student the same chances through grants is the cherry on top of this cake.

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