FABULOUS Dessert recipe


  • 1 cup [ingredient]
  • ½ cup [ingredient]
  • 1 tsp [flavoring]
  • 2 tbsp [sweetener]
  • 1 cup [dairy or non-dairy option]
  • Optional toppings: [chocolate, fruit, nuts, etc.]


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine [main ingredient] with [sweetener] and mix well.
  2. Add [dairy or liquid ingredient] gradually, stirring until smooth.
  3. Pour mixture into a [baking dish/mold/pan] and let set/chill/bake as needed.
  4. Once ready, garnish with [toppings] for extra flavor and texture.
  5. Serve and enjoy your FABULOUS Dessert!

What kind of dessert are you thinking? 🍰🍫🍮

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